
In Chinese we are making chinese scrolls using the family words we have learned. It's tricky writing characters on wood.

In Room 4 we have learned more about how much sugar is in foods and what we should be eating from our Life Education bus. We had a look at some of our lunches on the food pyramid. There were lots of treat foods! Luckily some people also had yummy fruit and sandwiches.

Room 4 is first in the Life Education bus. We are learning about what goes into our bodies.

In Room 4 we are talking about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit so today we acted out different fruits.

In Inquiry we are learning about citizenship. Today we looked at Google maps and used them to label a map of New Zealand. We then found our other countries.

In maths statistics we are looking at how to organise data by using data squares. We are also learning to use Ipads to explain our learning.

Maths Problem-Solving in Room 4